Chicken and Spinach Casserole

I initially hesitated to post this recipe because I knew it wouldn’t photograph very well, but what the heck?  It’s too yummy not to share.

I’m not usually one for recipe repeats (unless I’m entertaining), but I’ve made this dish twice in the past couple of weeks.  Both times, I was motivated by the need to use an excess amount of spinach in my refrigerator.  (I can’t pass up organic baby spinach at Costco since, at under $4, it’s less than the tiny containers I would get at the regular grocery store.  A pound of spinach is a lot of spinach, though!)  The first time was a test; the second time, I knew I’d be making something absolutely delicious.

What do I like about this recipe (besides the flavor, obviously)?  I like that it uses fresh spinach instead of the frozen stuff, since I think fresh tastes so much better. I like that it incorporates the convenience of rotisserie chicken.  I also appreciate that there isn’t much prep work, since the only ingredient that requires chopping is one onion.  (I used jarred minced garlic.)  I love that it can be made ahead, though I haven’t taken advantage of that option just yet.  Here’s the dish after Dr. O and I had devoured half of it:

Chicken and Spinach Casserole

Think of this dish as creamed spinach with shredded chicken and fabulous, salty toasted bread on top.  If that appeals to you (and it does to me!), you’ll love this dish.  I also enjoy that I get something super creamy that isn’t completely nutritionally devastating because the base is made with half-and-half instead of cream.

Note:  I baked this in a 1 1/2-quart Corningware dish, and I’ll admit that the amount of food the recipe produces isn’t huge.  This is perfect for Dr. O and me to have dinner with enough left over for one person’s lunch the next day.  If you wanted to serve four (or even six) adults, I would double the recipe.  Also, be generous with seasoning during the cooking process.  It makes all the difference.

Recipe link: Chicken and Spinach Casserole

5 Responses to “Chicken and Spinach Casserole”

  1. 1 Barbara | VinoLuciStyle March 6, 2011 at 6:49 am

    I just made a chicken dish this week and it was so good and I was reminded of how much I love chicken with ‘stuff.’

    Saucy, creamy stuff at that! I so agree with you regarding spinach; frozen is and never will be the same for me. This looks great and sometimes who cares if it’s photogenic if it tastes fabulous?

    (We do, I know…but I was trying)

  2. 2 Karen Harris March 6, 2011 at 8:57 am

    This looks so good. No wonder you have made it a couple of times. I also wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your cookies from the meet up. I almost hated to eat them because they are so beautiful, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, and I am pleased to report that they are delicious too. So nice meeting you.

  3. 3 jfochek March 6, 2011 at 10:48 pm

    Thanks for the kind words, ladies! Barbara, we’ll always struggle with the photo-quality-to-tastiness ratio, won’t we? I’ll admit that I was encouraged by the fact that the only *fabulous* photo I saw of this dish (of several blog posts) was the one that Martha Stewart’s crew posted with the original recipe. She has *resources*, you know? 🙂

    And Karen, I’m so glad you enjoyed the cookies! It was great to meet you too.

  4. 4 Stephanie March 8, 2011 at 12:21 am

    Regardles of how a dish photographs, I always find it difficult to correctly capture just HOW GOOD something is. I really hate ugly food that tastes good — it’s my enemy!

    This sounds really great, Jenn! I love the combo of flavors. And you can’t go wrong with bread on top!

    • 5 jfochek March 8, 2011 at 7:09 am

      Yeah, anything with brown sauce is beyond hope in the photography department, isn’t it? And we can only use the words “delicious” and “amazing” so many times. I guess we just have to invite more people over to actually *taste* the food, right? 🙂

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